Получение компонентов моторных топлив переработкой смесей прямогонной дизельной фракции и подсолнечного масла на цеолитном катализаторе
DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2023-0-1-50-55
УДК 665.75:544.478
D. V. Sosnina, A. A. Altynov, I. A. Bogdanov, M. V. Kirgina (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk) E-mail: dvs66@tpu.ru
Keywords: diesel fraction, sunflower oil, catalytic processing, zeolite catalyst, fuel biocomponents.
Abstract. The development of processes for the co-processing of vegetable oils and petroleum hydrocarbons, the purpose of which is to production components of motor-fuels, is an important direction in the development of the fuel and energy industry. An important stage in the planning and implementation of such processes is the selection of a catalyst. Recently, zeolites of various structures and modifications have become very popular as catalysts.
In this work, processing on a zeolite catalyst of the ZSM-5 type of a straight-run diesel fraction and a blend of a diesel fraction with 50% vol. sunflower oil, were implementation. Regularities of the effect of sunflower oil involvement in processing on a zeolite catalyst on the composition and properties of the obtained products are revealed. It has been established that the products of joint processing of sunflower oil and straight-run diesel fraction on a zeolite catalyst meet to the arctic brand of diesel fuel in terms of low-temperature properties. It is shown that the obtained product of processing on zeolite is a promising blending component for the production of low-freezing diesel fuels. The received results indicate the feasibility of joint processing of vegetable oils and straight-run diesel fractions on zeolite catalysts. The involvement of vegetable oils in processing will expand the pool of feedstock for the production of motor-fuel components.