Особенности I—IV групп ароматических углеводородов Западно-Апшеронской нефти
DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2022-0-3-24-29
M.A. Najafova, Yu.A. Abdullayeva, A.M. Mаmmedov, S.A. Aliyeva, N.G. Alekperova, N.A., Rzayeva, R.J. Kasumov (Mamadaliyev Institute Petrochemical Processes the National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan, Baku) E-mail: maisa.najafova@gmail.com
Keywords: aromatic hydrocarbons(AU), EPR of substituted hydrocarbon radicals, asphaltenes, Mn+2, Go, UV spectra of I-IV groups of AU.
Abstract. The composition and paramagnetism of groups I-IV of aromatic hydrocarbons of the West-Арsheron oil were studied by UV and EPR spectroscopy. It was found that in all I-III groups of heavy oil there are derivatives of benzene, naphthalene, phenanthrene and anthracene, the quantitative content of which increases as the are fractionated. It is show that there are no paramagnetic particles in the EPR spectrum o group I AU of the West-Aрsheron oil. In group II of the AU, the EPR spectrum of the substituted hydrocarbon radical with DНwidh=7,5mt, g = 2,07 Mn+2 is recorded in a small amount, and in a small amount it is closely related to asphaltene radicals with DHwidh=1.1mt, g=2.0028 and a small amount on Mn+2idue. A small amount of Co, shielded by asphaltene radicals, is recorded on the spectrum.