DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2021-0-2-44-47
УДК 621.436
D. V. Boykov1, A. P. Perepelin2, Yu. E. Hryashchev2 (1 PJSC «Avtodizel», (YaMZ), 2Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education, Yaroslavl state technical University (YSTU))
Различия в изменении мощностных параметров дизелей с топливным насосом высокого давления и аккумуляторной топливной системой на некоторых видах топлив
Keywords: diesel engines, fuel systems, diesel fuel, kerosene, mixtures of diesel fuel with gasoline
Abstract. The article presents calculated and experimental data on changes in the power parameters of diesel engines equipped with a fuel system of various designs, on some types of fuels. Investigated: Euro diesel fuel, TS-1 kerosene, fuel mixtures with gasoline. It is shown that the power parameters of diesel engines with a «Common Rail» type battery fuel system with an electronic control unit change to a lesser extent in comparison with a traditional plunger-type high-pressure fuel pump with a mechanical regulator when switching to a more compressible and lighter fuel. The reasons for these differences in changing engine parameters are considered.