DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2021-0-1-30-37
УДК 665.76
Mitin I.V.,1 Tatur I.R.,2 Spirkin V.G.2
(1JSC «Gaspromneft Moscow Lubricants Plant», 2Russian state University of oil and gas (National research University) named after I.M. Gubkin, Moscow)
Перспективы развития производства российских биоразлагаемых смазочных материалов на базовых маслах V группы
Keywords: biodegradability, ecology, lubricants, synthetic esters, polyalkylene glycol oils, vegetable oils
Currently, requirements for the environmental safety of lubricants are being tightened. The production of biodegradable lubricants is growing in European countries.
The analysis of the production of biodegradable lubricants in the Russian Federation is carried out. Currently, the range of biodegradable lubricants in Russia is limited due to the lack of capacity for the production of polyalkylene glycol oils and esters. However, increasing environmental requirements in the oil, metallurgical, machine-building, construction industries, energy, agriculture, forestry, and water resources require more and more production of lubricants with high environmental performance. To assess the Biodegradability of Russian lubricants, it is necessary to use GOST 32433-2013 identical to the international standard OECD 301B.
It is shown that in European countries, polyalkylene glycols and synthetic esters (diesters and esters) are widely used for the production of biodegradable motor, transmission, hydraulic, and turbine oils. To expand the production of modern biodegradable lubricants in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to develop industrial production of API group V oils.
The use of biodegradable greases, coolant and separation lubricants based on vegetable oils is promising.