№ 4-2019
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-4-9
УДК 665.541.48-143:542.61
Структурно-групповой состав рафината селективной очистки фракции, выделенной из нефти Балаханского месторождения___________________________________4-9
Ключевые слова: гидравлическая жидкость, рафинат экстракционной очистки, ионная
жидкость, углеводородный состав рафината.
Аннотация. Методом ИК- и УФ-спектрального анализа исследован групповой
углеводородный состав нефтяной фракции 234–306°С, выделенной из нефти Балаханского месторождения и рафинатов, полученных ионно-жидкостной экстракционной очисткой, очисткой фракции — метилпирролидоном, а также кислотно-контактной очисткой. Показана эффективность ионно-жидкостной экстракционной очистки.
Авторы ХАЛИЛОВ Асадулла Башир оглы – аспирант, технолог, ИБРАГИМОВА Минавер Джафар кызы, д-р хим. наук – профессор, заведующая лабораторией, E-mail: minaver-ibrahimova@rambler.ru, ГУСЕЙНОВ Гусейн Джамил оглы – ведущий научный сотрудник, НАГИЕВ Вагиф Али оглы – старший научный сотрудник, АЛИЕВА Саяра Гулам кызы, д-р техн. наук – заведующая лабораторией, АБДУЛЛАЕВА Хадиджа Алибала кызы – технолог, АХМЕДБЕКОВА Саида Фуад кызы – ведущий научный сотрудник, ЙОЛЧУЕВА Ульвия Джейхун кызы – старший научный сотрудник, Институт нефтехимических процессов им. акад. Ю.Г. Мамедалиева, НАН Азербайджана, г. Баку
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-9-15
Тb- и Pr-содержащие полиоксовольфраматы в качестве катализаторов эпоксидирования стирола пероксидом водорода_____________9-15
Ключевые слова: метод ЭПР, сверхтонкая структура, оксиды тербия и празедиума,
устойчивый радикал, стирол, фенилоксиран.
Аннотация. Методом ЭПР-спектроскопии изучена парамагнитная природа Tb4O7-х
Pr6x-cодержащих полиоксовольфраматов, синтезированных на основе додекавольфрамата аммония, нитрaтов тербия и празедиума. В спектрах катализаторов наблюдается сверхтонкая структура линий ЭПР. Установлено, что в зависимости от соотношения Tb4O7-хPr6x и полиоксовольфрамата наблюдаются разные линии ЭПР. Показано, что увеличение содержания (NH4W12O41 . H2O по отношению к Tb4O7-хPr6x приводит к образованию устойчивого радикала (.Нg = 1,92). Найдены условия приготовления катализаторов, отличающихся высокой активностью и стабильностью при эпоксидировании стирола пероксидом водорода в присутствии Н- и О11-
, О11- )10 и О11- общ = 5 мТл, 2С2О4. Максимальный выход эпоксида при 70–80°С и
продолжительности реакции 3–4 ч составляет 75–82% на превращённый стирол.
Авторы АЛИМАРДАНОВ Хафиз Муталлим, д-р хим. наук – профессор, заведующий лабораторией, НАДЖАФОВА Маиса Ашум кызы, д-р хим. наук – галвный научный сотрудник, ГАРИБОВ Нейман Исмайыл оглы, канд. хим. наук – ведущий научный сотрудник, МУСАЕВА Эльнара Сахиб кызы аспирант, научный сотрудник, E-mаil: maisa.najafova@gmail.com, Институт нефтехимических процессов им. акад. Ю.Г. Мамедалиева, НАН Азербайджана, г. Баку
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0- 04-15-18
УДК 665.644.44
Исследование неплатиновых катализаторов для процесса риформинга _______________15-18
Ключевые слова: каталитический риформинг, углеводородный состав риформата,
неплатиновые катализаторы.
Аннотация. Высокая стоимость платиносодержащих катализаторов определяет
необходимость поиска новых неплатиновых конкурентоспособных катализаторов. В ходе исследования был проведен анализ эффективности различных неплатиновых катализаторов.
Авторы ГАНЦЕВ Александр Викторович, канд. техн. наук – доцент, ВАХИТОВА Айгуль Салаватовна – магистрант. E-mail: vakhitova.aigul@yandex.ru, МУНИРОВ Тимур Артурович – аспирант, ГАЛИАХМЕТОВ Руслан Валерьевич – магистрант, Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет, [УГНТУ], респ. Башкортостан, Россия
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-19-26
УДК 621.4:621.6
Обеспечение безопасности функционирования химмотологической системы «Техника-ГСМ-Эксплуатация» на трубопроводном транспорте _____________19-26
Ключевые слова: нефтепродукты, нефтепродуктопроводы, химмотологическая надёжность техники, химмотологическая безопасность системы, эксплуатация техники.
Аннотация. Рассматривается актуальность обеспечения сохранности качества
нефтепродуктов на трубопроводном транспорте. При транспортировке и хранении нефтепродукты подвергаются воздействию различных факторов, что приводит к изменению уровня их эксплуатационных свойств и влияет на химмотологическую надёжность техники. При обеспечении функциональных возможностей всех элементов химмотологической системы «Техника-ГСМ-Эксплуатация» в соответствии с заданными требованиями будет обеспечена безопасность функционирования данной системы или «химмотологическая безопасность». Соответствие ГСМ требуемому уровню качества позволяет обеспечить химмотологическую безопасность системы по одной из составляющих. Решением является применение управляющих воздействий на параметры, характеризующие процесс транспортировки. Эффективным решением
задач по оценке изменения качества нефтепродуктов, в зависимости от параметров
транспортировки и определению необходимых управляющих воздействий может быть построение имитационной модели системы трубопроводного транспорта нефтепродуктов.
Автор ТИМОФЕЕВ Федор Владимирович, канд. техн. наук – заместитель заведующего лабораторией E-mail: Timofeevfv@niitnn.transneft.ru ООО «НИИ Транснефть», г. Москва, Россия
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-27-33
УДК: 621.431.73-6
Спецификация ПАО «Автодизель» к маслам для транспортных дизельных двигателей с высокими экологическими показателями ______________27-33
Ключевые слова: моторные масла, дизельные двигатели, экологические показатели.
Аннотация. Приведены сведения о технических требованиях ПАО «Автодизель» к
моторным маслам для дизельных двигателей экологических классов 4, 5, 6 и разработанной спецификации производителя двигателей к уровню эксплуатационных свойств масел. Требования к маслам определяют необходимый уровень физико-химических и эксплуатационных показателей масел. Приведены данные по лабораторным методам испытаний свежих масел, в том числе с использованием оригинальных методик оценки температуры начала лакообразования,
гидролитической стабильности, способности масел удерживать сажу во взвешенном
мелкодисперсном состоянии, термической и механической деструкции загущающих присадок и др. Рассмотрены особенности процесса старения моторных масел в дизельных двигателях ЯМЗ, методов стендовых испытаний масел в конкретных моделях двигателей различных экологических нормативов по выбросам вредных веществ с отработавшими газами. Приведено примерное соответствие уровня свойств масел по спецификации ПАО «Автодизель» (РД 37.319.034-17) данным известных стандартов: СТО ААИ 003-05, ГОСТ 17479.1-85 и классификации масел Американского нефтяного института (API).
Авторы БОЙКОВ Дмитрий Викторович, канд. техн. наук – ведущий специалист, БУГАЙ Татьяна Борисовна – инженер-исследователь I категории, ПЕТРОВ Константин Николаевич – главный специалист, ПАО «АВТОДИЗЕЛЬ» (ЯМЗ), г. Ярославль, Россия
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-34-38
УДК 621.892.24: 54.08
Температурные параметры работоспособности моторных масел________34-38
Ключевые слова: испаряемость, оптическая плотность и коэффициент термоокислительной стабильности моторных масел, методы контроля работоспособности моторных масел.
Аннотация. Предложен метод контроля дополнительных температурных параметров
работоспособности частично синтетического моторного масла, включающий определение температур начала процессов окисления, испарения и температурных преобразований, критические температуры этих процессов.
Авторы КОВАЛЬСКИЙ Болеслав Иванович, д-р техн. наук – профессор, ПУСТОВИТ Павел Юрьевич – аспирант, БАТОВ Николай Сергеевич – аспирант, ЛЫСЯНИКОВА Наталья Николаевна, канд. тех. наук – доцент, ФГАОУ ВПО «Сибирский федеральный университет»: Институт нефти и газа, г. Красноярск, Россия
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-39-45
УДК 665.775.4:543.631
Особенности применения современных физико-химических методов лабораторного исследования нефтяных битумов и битумных смесей (в таможенных лабораториях) ____39-45
Ключевые слова: нефтяной битум, битумная смесь, полимерно-битумные дорожные
вяжущие материалы (ПБВ).
Аннотация. Рассмотрены особенности исследования нефтяных битумов и битумных
смесей современными физико-химическими методами анализа в рамках производства
химического лабораторного исследования (в таможенных лабораториях). Приведен подробный обзор современной нормативно-технической документации на битумные продукты, обозначены актуальные проблемы. Рассмотрены некоторые особенности исследований такого рода, с которыми сталкиваются экспериментаторы. Приведены практические примеры решения исследовательских задач, возникающих перед экспериментатором, и предложены частные методические подходы исследований нефтяных битумов и битумных смесей.
Авторы ЗАРУБИН Олег Павлович – заместитель начальника отдела экспертизы товаров органического происхождения Федеральная таможенная служба – Центральное экспертно-криминалистическое таможенное управление – Экспертно-криминалистическая служба г. Нижний Новгород [ФТС ЭКС – региональный филиал ЦЭКТУ, г. Нижний Новгород, ОДИНОКОВ Алексей Владимирович – аспирант Государственный Нижегородский университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского, г. Нижний Новгород
Выписка из Протокола № 145 заседания Правления АНН от 14.02.2019
Тема – О роли институтов в повышении конкурентоспособности и снижении
импортозависимости в отрасли________________________________________________46-48
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-4-9
Khalilov A.B., Ibragimova M.D., Guseynov G.J., Aliyeva S.G., Nagiyev V.A., Abdullaeva Kh.A., Akhmedbekova S.F., Yolchuyeva U.J.
Structural-group composition of the raffinate obtained by selective purification of the oil fraction, extracted from the oil of balakhany oil field
Keywords: hydraulic fluid, distillate extraction cleaning, raffinate, ionic liquid, hydrocarbon composition.
Abstract. In the presented article, the results of the research using the IR and NMR spectral methods of the structure composition of the base product of AMQ-10 named hydraulic fluid, which was obtained from Balakhani oil fraction (BP range 234-306°C) by selective treatment using N-methylpyrrolidonacetate based ionic liquid, were given.The distillate used in the research is characterized by the following characteristics:
density at 850 kg/m3 at 20°C, kinematic viscosity at 2.3 mm/s at 50°C, ignition temperature — 110°C, freezing temperature — minus 75°C and aromatic hydrocarbons — 14% mass. For comparison, the hydrocarbon group composition of the raffinate extracted from the selective treatment of the oil fraction by organic soluble N-methylpyrrolidone which mentioned in the article and acid contact method
were also investigated by IR and UB spectral analysis methods. It has been determined that absorption strips reflecting rate of the C-H bond in the aromatic ring (1604 cm-1) and the C-H bond in the CH2 (968cm-1) of hybrid naphthenic aromatic hydrocarbons is reduced in the samples taken from the extracted oil fraction. This has also been confirmed by the calculated values of the optical density of the absorbed strips. Thus, in raffinate extracted from selective treatment, the absorption strips in the 1031 cm-1
area was observed like feedstock. In additionally, the absorption strips rate of naphtha fragment and benzene ring decreased from 0.009 to 0.007 in the 968 and 1604 cm-1 area respectively, which indicated that aromatic and naphthenic aromatic hydrocarbons was removed by selective treatment process. UF spectral analysis of the raffinate samples which taken from selective treatment, demonstrates that the amount of the aromatic hydrocarbon decrease from 14.4% to 0.64-0.95%. In other words, the use of the ionic liquid composition as a selective solvent is more prospective. Finally, according to the results of UB spectral analysis of the raffinate, the aromatic hydrocarbon weight amount is 2.56% (extracted from Balakhani oil fractions by using organic solvent N-methylpyrrolidone) and 2.5% (obtained by acidic contact treatment method). In addition, ionic liquid extraction is relatively predictive because of the ionic liquid composition is ecologically harmless and also useful as an extractant after
regeneration process.
Y.H.Mamedaliyev’s Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-9-15
Alimardanov Kh.M., Najafova M.A., GaribovN.I., Musayeva E.S.
Tb- and Pr-containing polyoxotungstates as catalysts in the epoxidation of styrene with hydrogen peroxide
Keywords: ESR, ultra-fine structure, oxides of terbium and presidium, a stable radical, styrene, phenyloxirane.
Abstract. One of the promising directions in catalysis is the use of heteropolysation (HPS) as oxide precursors, which are complex inorganic compounds formed by Mo and W atoms in the ligand environment and heteroatoms serving as complexing agents.Currently, a wide application in the industry for the oxidation of olefins, production of epoxides, alcohols, acetals are heteropoly compounds (HPC) of various structural types and new formations with high catalytic activity, such as HPS, replaced by rare earth elements (REE). However, using various methods (inhibitors, EPR) it is shown that such catalytic systems play the role of radical initiators. The latter pass from the surface of the catalyst to the volume of the liquid phase, where the oxidation products are formed by a radical chain mechanism.The role of the surface of catalysts in liquid-phase oxidation of hydrocarbons is reduced mainly to the generation of radicals, initiators of the chain process occurring in the volume. In this regard, EPR, more than another method of research, helps to clarify the laws of the formation of
intermediate forms (complexes, radicals) and the final products of the reaction. By EPR spectroscopy of the studied paramagnetic nature of polyoxo tungsten catalysts synthesized on the basis of dodeka ammonium, activated by oxides of terbium and presidium. In oxides of terbium and presidium the catalyst spectra there is an
ultra-fine structure of the lines ESR. It is found that different EPR lines are observed in the EPR spectra depending on the ratio Tb4O7-x and Pr6О11-xand polyoxovolfram. It is shown thattheincrease in the contentof(NH4)10W12O41.H2O with respect toTb4O7-x and Pr6О11-xleads tothe formation of a stable radical(.Hbsh=5mTl, g=1.92). The synthesized catalyticsystem is used fortheepoxidation ofthe dodecene byhydrogen peroxidein the presence of H2C2О4. The maximumyield of epoxy at atemperature of 70-80°C with areaction time of 3-4 hoursis 75-82% on the converted dodecene.
Y.H.Mamedaliyev’s Institute of Petrochemical Processesof the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-15-18
GancevA.V., VakhitovaA.S., MunirovT.A., GaliakhmetovR.V.
Neplatinal catalysts for riformingprocess
Keywords: catalyticreforming, hydrocarbon composition, neplatinal catalysts.
Abstract. Catalytic reforming is one of the significantprocesses for obtainingmarketable gasoline. Depending on thesystem, type, purpose and application of the catalyst, thecatalytic reforming process, as wellas the yield and quality of the products vary widely.There is a wide variety of reforming catalysts, differing inshape,size and structure. Despite the use of highly effective promoters that have reducedthe content ofplatinum and simultaneously improve the performanceof the catalysts, none of the non-platinum reformingcatalysts that would provide the same large yields of products with high octane numbers are still unknown. The high cost of platinum-containing catalysts determines the need tosearchfor new catalysts that could compete intheir properties with known ones. In the course of the study, the efficiency of various catalysts was analyzedduring the process. theresultsofthestudy showed thepossibility of using non-platinum catalysts under milderconditions, without compromising the selectivity of the dehydrogenation process characteristic of catalyticreforming. One ofthe reasons forthe loss of catalytic activity ofthe catalyst is the deposition of the carbonaceous materialin the porous structure ofthe catalystas a result of its use.Typically, the carboncontent ofthe spent catalyst isin the range of 1% by weight. up to 20% by weight. Even a sufficiently small amount of carbon significantlyreduces the activity ofthe catalyst.The activity ofthe catalyst decreases if the sulfur content in it exceeds 0.1%.
A further task is to study and investigate non-platinumcatalysts in order to optimize the process ofcatalytic reforming.
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-19-26
Ensuringthe safety of the chemmotology «Technique-Fuel-Operation»system’s functioning in thepipeline transport
Keywords: Oil products, oil productspipelines, chemmotology reliability ofequipment, chemmotologysafety of the system, operation of equipment.
Abstract. Chemmotology, the science that considersthe existing relationship between the operation ofmachines, design feature of machines and applied of fuels and lubricants.The main objective ofthe chemmotology is to ensure the reliability ofequipmentduring operation by ensuring the quality of fuelsand lubricants. The purpose of fuel and lubricantsiscarried out depending on the operating conditions and design characteristics of the equipment. The purpose of fuels and lubricants is determined by the level oftheiroperating ability. An example of the purpose offuel for usein theVolvo XC-90 D5 isshown. Compliance ofquality indicators of fuels and lubricants to the established requirements, provides the necessary level ofperformance. During transportation and storage, oilproducts are exposed to various factors, which leads to achangein the levelof their operationalproperties and ffectsthechemmotological reliabilityof the equipment. Ensuring the conditions oftransportation and storage, in whichthe impact of negative factors will be minimizedwillensurethesafety ofthe quality offuels and lubricants and chemmotologicalreliability of equipment. Ensuring thefunctionality of all elementsofthechemmotology system «Technique-fuel-Operation» will ensure the safety of its operation–»Chemmotology safety». Identification of the influencing factors and formation onthe basis of theiranalysis of timely or preventive influences, is an effective way to ensure the quality of oil products during transportation. Forthesolution ofthetask ofevaluating changes in thequality ofpetroleum products during transportation and to identify necessary controlactionscan beconstructed imitatingmodel of system of pipeline transport of petroleum products.
The Pipeline TransportInstitute[PTI, LLC], Moscow
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-27-33
Boykov D.V., Bugay T.B., Petrov K.N.
Specification of PJSC «Avtodizel» motor oils for transport diesel engines with high environmental performance
Keywords: motor oils, diesel engine, ecological index.
Abstract. The article provides information about the technical requirements of PJSC «Avtodizel» for motor oils for diesel transport engines of environmental classes 4, 5, 6. Oil requirements determine the required level of physico-chemical and performance indicators of oils based on the results of laboratory and bench tests. Laboratory tests measure the number of traditional physico-chemical parameters which are included in passports of quality oils (base number, sulphated ash content, volatility, corrosion on the plates of lead and copper, the content of zinc and phosphorus, etc.).In addition, using the original laboratory methods, the temperature of the beginning of lacing is estimated; hydrolytic stability; the ability of oil to hold the soot in suspension finely-divided condition; thermal and mechanical degradation of the thickening additive, etc. The in formativeness of laboratory methods and a certain relationship of some parameters with the aging processes of oils in engines and contamination of their parts by carbon deposits. The features of the aging process of oils in diesel engines of different models of YaMZ are considered. The results of the effect of exhaust gas recirculation on the intake (EGR) to increase oil aging, contamination of parts are presented. It is shown that to the greatest extent the EGR increases the response of the neutralizing properties of the oil to a greater extent than the forcing of the engine by the average effective pressure. The list of indicators by which the level of operational properties of oils is estimated at bench tests in engines (wear of cylinders, piston rings, bearings of a crankshaft; polishing of cylinders; pollution by carbon deposits of the and
piston groove; increase in an oil consumption on waste; stability of preservation of technical and economic parameters of operation of the engine after tests) is given. During bench tests, physical and chemical analysis of samples of the working oil is carried out to determine the change in anti-wear, detergent, anti-corrosive properties of the oil, colloidal stability. The influence of filters- neutralizer for exhaust gases and particulate filters on the properties of the used oils is considered. For engines
of ecological class 6 with filters-neutralizers of the closed type (DPF) oils on the Low SAPS technology with size of sulphate ash content no more than 1,0% are recommended; with the content of sulfur and phosphorus no more respectively 0,4and 0,08%. Approximate compliance of the level of operational properties of oils for engines with various environmental parameters according to the specification is given PJSC «Avtodizel» (RD 37.319.034-17) known standards: STO AAI 003-05, GOST 17479.1-85 and the American petroleum Institute (API) oil classification.
PJSC “Avtodizel” Yaroslavl’ Motor Plant, Yaroslavl’
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-34-38
Koval’skiy B.I., Pustovit P.Yu., Batov N.S., Lysyanikova N.N.
Temperature performance parameters of motor oils
Keywords: evaporability, optical density and coefficient of thermo-oxidative stability of motor oils, methods of monitoring the performance of motor oils.
Abstract. A method is proposed to control the additional temperature parameters of the partially synthetic synthetic engine oil “Lukoil Super 10W-40 SG / CD”, including determining the temperatures of the onset of oxidation, evaporation and temperature transformations, the critical temperatures of these processes. It is shown that for comparing lubricants of a single purpose, it is necessary to take constant values of the test time and thermo-oxidative stability indicators expressing optical density, evaporation and thermal-oxidative stability coefficient. These studies are aimed at expanding information about the temperature parameters of the performance of lubricants. For the study selected all-season, universal partially synthetic engine oil “Lukoil Super 10W-40 SG / CD”. As the means of control and testing, the following were chosen: instruments for thermostating the oils, a photometric device and electronic scales. The research method was as follows. A sample of constant-weight oil 100g was poured into a glass beaker for temperature control and tested sequentially at three temperatures of 180, 170 and 160° C with stirring with a glass stirrer with a rotation speed of 300 rpm for a constant time of 8 hours. The resource of lubricating oils depends mainly on the temperature on the friction surface, which accelerates oxidation processes, temperature decomposition and chemical reactions of metals with oxidation products and additives. In this regard, it is important for designers and technologists to
know the temperatures at which these processes begin and the critical temperatures at which abnormal phenomena occur. Therefore, the purpose of these studies is to test the method of control to determine these temperatures. On the basis of the conducted studies, it has been shown that the application of the proposed method for monitoring the temperature limits of the performance of motor oils provides additional information
on the temperature regimes of their use and improves the classification system.
Siberian Federal University Institute of Oil and Gas
DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2019-0-04-39-45
Zarubin O.P., Odinokov A.V.
Peculiarities of application of modern physico-chemical methods of laboratory investigation of oil bitumes and bitumen mixtures (in customs laboratories)
Keywords: petroleum bitumen, bitumen mixture, polymer-bitumen road binders (PBRB).
Abstract. Composite materials, including petroleum bitumen — bitumen mixtures, modified bitumen, are appearing more and more often on domestic and world markets. When speaking of «bitumen mixtures, modified bitumens,» it should be understood that bitumen products of different composition and purpose fall under this definition. Active expansion of Russia’s foreign economic activity, as well as the status of the country as a country with a significant potential in the production of oil products, all contribute to a more active export from the country and import of petrochemical products into it. Export of oil bitumen and bitumen products takes a rather high line in a number of exported goods. At the same time, the difference in the rates of export duties on goods is a frequent cause of cases of inauthentic declaring of goods by dishonest sellers for «leaving» from payment of customs duties. This fact is due to the investigation of bitumen mixtures in customs laboratories. The task of determining polymeric modifiers in bitumen mixtures is especially urgent. Petroleum bitumen, modified with a polymer, as an object of research, is of interest not only to employees of customs laboratories. The questions of the composition of such mixtures, the nature of the changes in their
properties are interesting and are considered in many scientific works. Most of the scientific work is devoted to the study of physical (so-called «commercial» indicators) properties of bitumen products based on petroleum bitumen modified with a polymer. But the introduction of new technologies for processing petroleum raw materials and production of petroleum products, complicating the composition of polymer-bitumen
compositions and expanding the range of such products makes it necessary and urgent to determine the quality and quantity composition of bitumen mixtures. In this paper, we propose some practical algorithm for physical and chemical research that allows us to investigate as completely as possible the chemical composition of the bituminous product and its properties: determine the type and type of filler or modifier, evaluate the nature of the components of the mixture, their number and significance. It is assumed that the methodology of the integrated study of bituminous binders given
in the algorithm will probably be used not only for solving tasks related to the activities of customs laboratories (identification) but also for research aimed at solving the problems of a scientific plan for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of bitumen mixtures, their structure and composition.
FCS ECS — regional branch CECCA, Nizhniy Novgorod; Lobachevsky State University (UNN), Nizhniy Novgorod
Extracts of the protocol #145 of ANN board meeting of 14.02.2019
Subject – On the role of institutions in improving competitiveness and reducing import dependence in the industry