Современные модификаторы вязкости моторных масел
DOI: 10.32758/2782-3040-2021-0-2-41-48
A.V. Ivanov
(FAE «The 25th State Research Institute of Himmotology of Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation», Moscow)
Keywords: modern viscosity modifiers, viscosity index improvers, engine oils, polymers, ethylene-propylene copolymers, polymethacrylates, hydrogenated styrene isoprene copolymers, permanent viscosity loss, temporary viscosity loss.
Abstract. This article discusses the peculiarities of chemistry and architecture of polymers – modern viscosity modifiers of engine oils, the proposed mechanism of their action, influence the rheological, dispersing properties, energy- and resource saving properties of engine oils. The quality scores such as tightening efficiency and shear stability and concepts of permanent and temporary viscosity loss are considered. The short characteristics of the bench test methods of polymers shear stability conсerns.