DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2021-0-3-32-34
Babayev E.R.,1 Efendiyeva Kh.G.,1 Mammadova P.Sh.,1 Poletayeva O.Yu.,2 Mukhametzyanov I.Z.3 Behbudova Kh.Z.1
(1Academician A.Guliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives of NAS Azerbaijan, Baku, 2 Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, 3LLC «Gazpromneft STC», Moscow) E-mail:,
Синтез s-тетраметил–этиламмоний-о-бутилксантогенатов и исследование их в качестве антимикробных добавок к смазочно-охлаждающим жидкостям
Keywords: syntezed, butylxantogenate, terametylammoniy, bacteriside, fungiside, bioside.
Abstract. Water and emulsion lubricant-cooling fluid (LCF) are subject to microbiological damage during operation. At this time, the operation, physical-chemical, and sanitary-hygienic indicators of the LCF deteriorate and they become useless. Biocides are used as antimicrobial additives for water or water-emulsion LCFs, which also belong to the class of various organic compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur. In the present paper, a new derivative of butylxanthogenic acid was obtained from the interaction of tetramethyl-, tetraethylammonium iodine with potassium butylksantogenate. The antimicrobial properties of O-Butyl-S-tetramethyl-, tetraethylammonium xantogenate have been studied in lubricating-cooling fluid. It has been established that the O-butyl-S-tetramethyl ammoniumxantogenate has a high bactericidal, fungicidal effect in the range of 0.5-0.25-%.
The structure of the substances was confirmed by IR spectroscopy.
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