DOI: 10.32758/2071-5951-2020-03-20-27
УДК 662.75
Изменение состава и показателей качества дизельного топлива при его искусственном окислении и опытном хранении
Nelyubov D.V., Scherbakov P.Yu., Chernisheva A.V., Beresneva E.V., Crivorak Ya.S.
(The 25th State Research Institute of chemmotology of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation)
Keywords: test-storage, acid value, lubricity, gum content in fuels by jet evaporation, diesel fuel, oxidation, particle contamination, IR spectroscopy, oxidation products, cetane number.
Paper describes the results of investigation the changes of chemical composition and quality indexes of EURO diesel fuels with the different distillation composition and components at the time of its storage and oxidation. It was found a tendency of degradation the lubricity most of tested fuels by the research of changes of its lubricity and acid values at least of 2,4,6,8 and 16 hours of its oxidation at 110 ºС and test-storage at least of 18-21 months on the unheated store in the conditions of temperate climate in the steel oilcans by 10 liters, and steel barrels by 200 liters. Research of water contention influence on the oxidation stability of summer and winter sorts of diesel fuels, which were produced by one oil-refinery with the equal additives, via the comparison the squares of IR specters of tested fuels with the quality indexes of acid value, gum content in fuels by jet evaporation and lubricity is demonstrated that the speed of oxidation processes is increased with the increasing of water contention from 40-50 mg/kg to 190-200 mg/kg. The same time the changes of lubricity of tested fuels depends of fat-acids contention in tasted fuels which able to absorb the metal surface, which accumulation and expenditure in the diesel fuels with increased water contention are accelerated.
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